How Fast Is Your Concrete?
Tuesday morning, April 23rd at 9:00 am Pacific (US and Canada)
Register today for this informative and illuminating session:
Early use of the pavement and open-to-traffic requirements are often primary concerns when choosing the best mix – or mixes – for a paving project. Construction windows, staging, traffic requirements, and penalties for late opening present challenges that drive contractors towards faster setting mixes. At the same time, mandates to increase SCMs and reduce cement content effectively slow the strength gain characteristics of our mixes. During this session, we will learn from our presenters about different mixes they use – and the logic in choosing one mix over another when early strength is a priority.
Led by SWCPA Executive Director Charles Stuart, our panel brings a wealth and depth of experience to the workshop, with a wide range of concrete pavement projects under their belts. Frank Stevenson, Pavement Manager at Sully-Miller Construction, brings more than 36 years of construction experience to the panel with second-to-none expertise in concrete paving. Jon Hamilton, Concrete Paving Operations Manager at Flatiron Construction, has tackled some very challenging concrete paving projects and brings an acute perspective to the discussion on the importance of opening strength when paving new California freeways. Coming off the record-setting Contra Costa Interstate 80 Pave Project, Vanguard’s and Elite Ready Mix’s Greg Bridges conjured up a little concrete mix magic over the three 55-hour closures and one 104-hour Labor Day Weekend full highway closure to successfully open to traffic ahead of schedule and reduce construction time by nine full months.
If you’re a construction professional, engineer, or involved in infrastructure projects, join us and expand your knowledge of the use of fast and sustainable concrete pavements.
Brought to you at no cost, courtesy of the Southwest Concrete Pavement Association, our Supporters, and our Member Company Sponsors, Flatiron and Granite.