Now in its third year, the SWCPA Concrete Pavement Workshop Series delivers fundamental, easily accessible, and project-focused concrete pavement information from the top experts in the industry.
Our mission is to illuminate the road to great concrete pavement by bringing you presentations from the most knowledgeable subject-matter experts in the business. Join us this year in this series of workshops that will educate, engage, and often entertain – all at no cost, courtesy of the Southwest Concrete Pavement Association, our Member Sponsors and our Supporting Organizations including FHWA, CP Tech Center, ACPA, Caltrans, Nevada DOT, and CNCA.
Here’s the debut session of 2024:
LIVE from the FHWA Mobile Concrete Technology Center!
Tuesday morning, February 13th at 9 am Pacific (U.S. and Canada)
Step into the Federal Highway Administration’s Mobile Concrete Technology Center (MCTC) for a guided tour by FHWA Senior Concrete Engineer Michael Praul and Project Manager Jagan Gudimettla.
Dive into the forefront of concrete pavement technology with a live, hands-on demonstration of enhanced tools for materials selection, mixture design, field and laboratory testing, and pavement evaluation. Discover how the FHWA MCTC technology transfer initiatives are working to improve concrete pavements throughout the United States. And uncover innovative methods and sustainable solutions with insightful presentations from Michael Praul and Jagan Gudimettla.
Register today for this entertaining and illuminating session:
Mark your calendars and sign up now!
Here’s the rest of the line-up for 2024 with individual registration links:
Tuesday, March 19th
Concrete Airport Runways, Taxiways & Aprons
Gary Mitchell, ACPA
Dave Rath, Southwest Concrete Paving Company
Register today for this session:
Tuesday, April 23rd
The Speed of Concrete / How Fast is Your Concrete?
How to Improve the Constructability of Concrete Pavements by Using the Right Concrete Mix
Charles Stuart, Southwest Concrete Pavement Association
Frank Stevenson, Sully-Miller
Gary Kirk, CalPortland
Register today for this session:
Tuesday, May 21st
The Next Generation of Performance Specifications for Concrete Pavements
Aiming for Performance Over Prescription
Register today for this session:
Tuesday, June 18th
Concrete Pavement Design
What does it take to design a 50-, 75- or 100-year roadway?
Register today for this session:
Tuesday, July 23rd
Navigating Pavement Defects
Discover How to Identify, Repair, and Resolve Defects in Concrete Pavement.
Register today for this session:
Tuesday, August 20th
Smoother Concrete Pavements
Best Practices for Designing and Constructing Smoother Concrete Pavements
Register today for this session:
Tuesday, September 17th
CRCP Design & Constructability
Register today for this session:
Tuesday, October 15th
The Concrete Pavement Investment
A Primer for Transportation Engineers, Asset/Network Managers, and Policymakers
Register today for this session:
Tuesday, November 19th
Pavement Joints and Transitions
The Best Use of Joints and Pavement Transitions to Reduce Defects and Improve Long-Term Performance
Register today for this session:
Tuesday, December 17th
Maturity Testing
Using Embedded Sensors to Determine the Strength of Pavement
Register today for this session: