Tuesday morning, December 19 at 9:00 am Pacific (U.S. and Canada)

Join us on this festive journey – A Concrete Pavement Christmas Carol – to visit Concrete Pavements Past, Concrete Pavements Present, and Concrete Pavements Yet to Come. Discover how thoughtful engineering can take the Scrooge out of your pavements.


We have a concrete-star-studded cast of presenters for this entertaining holiday workshop.


Dr. Peter Taylor, Director of the CP Tech Center, is the Narrator of the workshop, and will guide us through our time-traveling journey.


Leif Wathne, Associate Director of the CP Tech Center, is the Ghost of Concrete Pavements Past. Leif will whisk us through centuries of long-life concrete roadways, starting with the Romans.


Tom Pyle, Deputy Division Chief and State Pavement Engineer at Caltrans, is the Ghost of Concrete Pavements Present. Tom will fly us over the State of California in a tour of sparkling white pavement that we all travel on today.


And Dr. Tom Van Dam, Principal at WJE, is the Ghost of Pavements Yet to Come. Tom will pull back the curtain to the future and reveal what our concrete pavement thoroughfares will look like 20, 30, even 50 years in the future.


Don’t miss this holiday celebration of long-life concrete pavement! Register today!


Brought to you at no cost, courtesy of the Southwest Concrete Pavement Association and our supporters.