Tuesday morning, September 19 at 9:00 am Pacific (U.S. and Canada)

Simply stated, Roller-Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a specialized concrete mixture that is compacted with rollers. RCC Pavement delivers the high-durability and near-zero maintenance-cost advantages of concrete while employing a construction method similar to asphalt. As with traditional long-life concrete pavement, RCC Pavement has a lifespan of more than 50 years, and boasts high strength with the ability to withstand heavy loads in high traffic areas.

The Fulton Road Improvements Project teamed the client, the City of Santa Rosa, with Vanguard Construction, CEMEX, and members from the California Nevada Cement Association (CNCA). In this workshop, you will learn how they tested two different mix designs, evaluated different rolling patterns and surface trowelling methods, and engaged in advanced training to ensure the job was performed at an optimal level.

Witness how the RCC Pavement was able handle light vehicles within an hour, and be opened to heavy traffic within three days or less, without using any special additives or cement types. And learn how the mix they formulated using a 50/50 blend of cement/slag delivered an extremely low carbon footprint.

Our subject matter experts, who all participated in The RCC Fulton Road Improvements Project, are:

Corey Zollinger, Director of Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions, CEMEX
Michael Smith, Infrastructure Solutions Manager, CEMEX
Clay Slocum, Director of Engineering, CNCA

Register today for this dynamic and illuminating session:


Brought to you at no cost, courtesy of the Southwest Concrete Pavement Association and our supporters.