Join us for two days of learning and connecting with top industry & agency professionals, researchers, policymakers, and educators. Discover illuminating improvements and efficiencies in the design and construction of sustainable, resilient, long-lasting concrete pavements.

Wednesday, April 16th from 7 am to 6 pm & Thursday, April 17th  from 9 am to 3 pm
University of California at Davis ARC Ballroom

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Presentations and updates from UCPRC, Caltrans, FHWA, MIT Sustainability Hub, WJE, Parsons,
National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, and more

Wednesday, April 16th Conference Presentations

– What’s Ahead for California Concrete Pavement Projects
– Project Spotlight on Innovative Project Delivery
– The State of the Art in Concrete Pavement Design
– Optimizing Pavement and Asset Management
– Tools for Lifecycle Planning – LCCA, LCA, EPDs, and PVI
– Advanced Cements and Concrete Pavement Materials
– Emerging Equipment & Techniques for Improved Quality
– The Sustainable Concrete Panel Discussion

Tour the FHWA’s brand-new Mobile Concrete Technology Center (MCTC) on Wednesday & Thursday. Participate in demonstrations of the center’s new state-of-the-art technology for materials selection, mixture design development, field & laboratory testing, and pavement evaluation.

Thursday, April 17th

UC Davis Civil & Environmental Engineering Professors & Researchers Dr. John Harvey and Dr. Somayeh Nassiri will host a tour of their new UCPRC testing facility near campus, presenting their Sustainable Concrete Lab2Slab Initiative, along with a test track concrete pour.

Discounted hotel accommodations are available at Hyatt Place on the UC Davis campus.
To receive the $179 conference rate for Tuesday, April 15th and/or Wednesday, April 16th, go to:

Hyatt Place Reservations

For additional information, contact SWCPA Communications Director Mark Gudenas at