Tuesday morning, June 18th at 9:00 am Pacific (US and Canada)
Register today for this informative and illuminating session:
Join our online workshop focused on long-life concrete highway pavement design. This workshop offers valuable insights into creating durable, sustainable concrete pavements that will endure decades of heavy traffic and harsh conditions. Learn from pavement experts about the best practices for designing long lasting, 50+ year design-life pavements with minimal future maintenance requirements.
Our workshop subject matter expert panelists:
Peter Taylor, Director, CP Tech Center
Kurt Smith, Vice President, Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.
Tom Pyle, State Pavement Engineer, Caltrans
Ideal for engineers, contractors, and transportation professionals dedicated to excellence in pavement design and construction.
Brought to you at no cost, courtesy of the Southwest Concrete Pavement Association, our Supporters, and our Member Company Sponsors, including Flatiron, Granite Construction, and Cooper Engineering.